The GIF integration in Instagram and Snapchat was recently turned off due to a racial sticker.
Earlier this year, Snapchat and Instagram integrated GIFs with the popular Giphy platform. Anyone cam upload a GIF there, and those GIFs can be then added to stories on Instagram and Snapchat.
But that freedom is a double-edged sword. That does allows for a basically unlimited supply of GIFs, however, things like this can also happen. However, both social networks have now removed that integration due to a GIF with a racial slur.
Both Snapchat and Instagram issued statements on the matter, saying they had removed integration with Giphy completely until the company completes an investigation.
A Snapchat spokesperson:
“As soon as we were made aware, we removed the GIF and have disabled Giphy until we can be sure that this won’t happen again . . . while we wait for Giphy’s team to take a look at it.”
An Instagram spokesperson:
“This type of content has no place on Instagram. We have stopped our integration with Giphy as they investigate the issue.”
The GIF in question was a ‘death counter’ with a racial slur. After being discovered by Lyauna Augmon on Twitter, it was taken down from Giphy for obvious reasons. Giphy said that they take full responsibility, and that they are reviewing every GIF sticker by hand.
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