PayPal will integrate across Google services


The partnership between Google and PayPal is getting more and more “deep”.

The whole point of this partnership is to allow PayPal payments on Google services (Google Music, PlayStore, YouTube etc.) more simple. Very soon, if you add PayPal as a payment method on, say, Google Music, it will add PayPal as a payment method across your Google account.


Right now, when you add PayPal as a payment method on a Google service, say YouTube, it is only available on YouTube, and if you want to add PayPal on, say, Googe Music, it requires a seperate log in. The new plan is to add PayPal paying globally to your Google account, once you add it to one place.

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WHEN we will see all of this take action, we don’t know. All we know is that it will happen “soon”.

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