Russian scientist are making a plan about nuking asteroids
They even calculated how much firepower they might need.
They even calculated how much firepower they might need.
We’ve recently talked about Musk sending people to Mars, but NASA is working on broadcasting live HD video from Mars!
“It’s 2017, I mean, we should have a lunar base by now,” he said during his IAC presentation. “What the hell is going on?”
Making things worse, we don’t know when and where it will enter the atmosphere and hit the ground.
Want your name on a probe heading to the sun? Now is your chance!
Some 700 light-years from here, NASA has found a planet that looks a lot like Saturn, but also happens to have a lot of water!
New evidence is here that ancient carbon which was pulled from the atmosphere and stored in bodies of plants, is slowly being leaked into the atmosphere.
Deinococcus radiodurans laughs in the face of deadly radiation and does not die even when exposed to giant amounts of radiation.
CIMON, or Crew Interactive MObile CompanioN, is a floating robot slightly bigger than a football, and uses Watson AI.
If you have issues with blurry images, this new artificial eye can help you with that. It can also give you optical zoom.